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Meet the Coach...

In 2014 I became a personal trainer, excited to make a passion into a career. I have always loved sport and from the age of 19 started in the gym. At 37 I am still in the gym, and I am still playing soccer with the same passion, and 9 years later I am still supporting clients in and out of the gym to reach their true potential. Fast forward to 2018, I completed my Bachelor of Exercise & Sport Science and a Diploma of Nutrition & Dietetics to increase my knowledge about the body. Fast track to 2023 and I have completed a Bachelor of Psychological Science, this was to increase my knowledge about the mind. As a trainer and a coach, I offer you a complete package of mind and body, with a wealth of knowledge and experience I aim to shift your perspective to focus on quality of life and what that means to your present and future. 

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Bachelor of Psychological Sciences

Charles Darwin University, 


In the Bachelor of Psychological Science, I have developed an integrated understanding of human behaviour including social-cultural perspectives, motivations, health and psychopathology as well as the fundamental premise of psychology as an empirically based science. Areas of study included; counselling, learning and motivation, cognitive psychology and the biological bases of behaviour.


Master of Teaching

Charles Darwin University, 


In the Master of Teaching I developed an awareness of the environmental and cultural influences on teaching and learning and explored the needs of learners and communities with diverse linguistic and cultural orientations, including Indigenous learners.


Bachelor of Exercise & Sport Science

Charles Darwin University,


In the Bachelor of Exercise & Sport Science the knowledge and experienced developed include anatomy, physiology, psychology, exercise prescription and delivery, coaching, nutrition, physical assessment and biomechanics. This degree has provided an in depth understanding of program prescription and design for athletes, rehabilitation and general health and fitness. 


Diploma of Nutrition & Dietetics



In this Diploma I have gained a thorough understanding of how nutrition impacts health, exploring the full spectrum of human anatomy, physiology and chemistry, and how they relate to human nutrition, digestion and metabolism. Knowledge to develop nutritional plans that incorporate macro nutrient splits for health weight loss, weight gain and maintenance with an importance on nutrient dense foods to promote health and well-being.


Certificate IV in Fitness

Australian Institute of Fitness,


The Certificate IV in fitness, provided me with the registration to become a qualified personal trainer in Australia. This course was the foundation of my health and lifestyle coaching career and provided me with the backbone of information for exercise prescription. 

My Journey

Meditating on the Beach

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”

Vincent van Gogh

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